Morgan Freeman Defends His Marijuana Use: "I'll Eat It, Drink It, Smoke It, Snort It"

“They used to say, ‘You smoke that stuff, boy, you get hooked! My first wife got me into it many years ago. How do I take it? However it comes! I’ll eat it, drink it, smoke it, snort it! This movement is really a long time coming, and it’s getting legs—longer legs."

Freeman doesn't stop there, he continues on to make comments about his distaste to alcohol, "Now, the thrust is understanding that alcohol has no real medicinal use. Maybe if you have one drink it’ll quiet you down, but two or three and you’re fucked.”

Freeman continues on to explain his support of marijuana for medicinal uses, “Marijuana has many useful uses,” he says. “I have fibromyalgia pain in this arm, and the only thing that offers any relief is marijuana. They’re talking about kids who have grand mal seizures, and they’ve discovered that marijuana eases that down to where these children can have a life. That right there, to me, says, ‘Legalize it across the board!’”

“Look at Woodstock 1969. They said, ‘We’re not going to bother them or say anything about smoking marijuana,’ and not one problem or fight. Then look at what happened in ’99.” This in reference to the festival's revival in that same year which resulted in arrests and riots due possibly caused by less marijuana friendly policies.


How do you guys feel about this? Does it make you feel any different about the marijuana movement now that God is on the supporting side?